The publications on this website are of statistical data of Football in South Australia. The information has been sourced. The editor believes this data to be accurate representation of collated information, and for any discrepancies you are recommended to contact the editor or to collate your own information.
The editor of these documents obtained the information from sources including the South Australian Soccer Federation / Football Federation SA Year Books, www.ffsa.com.au, www.theffacup.com.au and from researching old newspapers at the State Library of South Australia. Each publication has the particular sources listed.
The statistical information in these documents includes all matches deemed official by the Football Federation SA including the official pre-season cup matches (only 2011 & 2012) and any Football Federation Australia official competitions that involve Football Federation SA affiliated clubs.
The editor wishes to thank those people who have made some of this material freely available via various forms of publication.
Dimitri Peppas
Dimitri is a former employee of Football Federation SA between 2006 to 2010, and Life Member of the North Eastern MetroStars.
Dimitri has also been involved with the following clubs at various playing, coaching and official level: Olympians, West Torrens Birkalla, South Adelaide Panthers, Adelaide Cobras, Adelaide University Womens SC and North Eastern MetroStars.