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South Australian Women's Player Database

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2011 - 2022


The player statistics have been sourced via the credited people and official documents as listed below. The editor believes this data to be accurate representation of researched & collated information, and for any discrepancies you are recommended to contact the editor or to collate your own information.


Please note that this information and data collation although has been collated from Official Documentation, is not an official representation of the Football South Australia, and should only be used as a guide.



2011 - 2022 Player Data​



The following data is for competitions listed as "Official" top tier competitions by the governing body at the time and therefore includes Reserves and Div 1 teams who participated in Official Cup competitions:

  • SA Womens National Premier League (previously Premier Division)

  • SA Womens National Premier League Finals Series

  • SA Womens NPL / SL Playoff

  • SA Womens Premier Cup 

  • SA Womens State League (2011, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2021, 2022 only held)


Please advise if any players have had a change in surname and are listed in two separate sections.


Club names are listed as per that team's name in that season.


If there are any discrepancies with player names, please use the contact page to inform me.


A reminder that this data should only be used as a guide.



© 2022. Dimitri Peppas    

Images credit Adam Butler

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